Chapter 14 – Instagram Engagement Bot Built Using Python to Boost Visibility and Grow Followers

Instagram bot not only can help you generate new content insight. But also it can help generate influencer emails in bulk as we discuss in the past two chapters. What’s more, the Instagram bot can act quickly to generate audience growth. It’s because the bot can use algorithms and information about your targets to expose you to new followers you might not have discovered on your own. At the same time, other Instagram bots on behalf of the Instagram user might also index you and follow your channels by using the same approach.

In this chapter, I would show you how to write a Python script to create an Instagram bot. By the end of this Python Tutorial, you can learn what elements you need and how to maximize the outcome of this approach.

The Instagram Bot Script Modules

As we know, before coding the scripts, we need to know what module packages are necessary. It facilitates us to shorten the coding length and it’s easier to code.

Basically, the module packages are the same as our previous Chapter 12. Which is to use hashtags to scrape Instagram posts and profiles. If you are interested, please check out the article.

As mentioned, we create the Instagram bot by using selenium. So in the modules, we would use the selenium web driver, expected_conditions as EC, and a few other features. Also, for reading and formatting the data we collect, we would need pandas and CSV as well.

Like the Instagram Post Automatically

When we scrape the post link by hashtag, we can have 3 options to engage with the posts. They are like, comment and share. So if you refer to my Python Tutorial chapter 12, basically now we need to just add the codings on top of that.

Regarding the like button, we can go for the heart-shaped like button and do right-click to find out the XPath. In selenium, it provides the argument of find_element_by_xpath. So you can calibrate this element and use click() it to like the post


Comment on the Instagram Post Automatically

The second engagement button is a comment. In the user journey, it would take more steps to add a comment to the Instagram post.

First thing first, we need to use inspect to find the XPath of the comment button. Here is the XPath parameter:


Then, you need to click the comment button and move to the add comment section. After moving to the add a comment section, you would need to tell Robot to change the current element from the comment button and the comment bar. Here are the XPath parameters:

//*[@aria-label="Add a comment…"]

As well as the login information sent out, you can use the send_keys argument to feed the message to the element. Here take an example to feed one message. I’m not going to deep dive into how to customize comments for different posts. I would create another article to discuss.

Comment.send_keys("すげ〜! #easy2digital, 俺の情報シェア、")

Last but not least, it’s the submit action. Being the same as the login button, Instagram has outlined the button type and the type is called submit in the comment box. So, we can use the css_selector and click the button in that element


Follow the Instagram Page Automatically

In Python Tutorial 14, we shared how to fetch the Instagram contact email, follower numbers, etc. Basically, we can use the same coding to visit the page one by one from the page links stored in the CSV file.

On the page, we can inspect the follow button element and find out that XPATH. Here is the parameter:


Then, we can use the selenium argument to calibrate the element and click follow


Recommendation on Increasing Instagram Followers

The Instagram bot can very fast expand your channel exposure in related Instagram page comments. At the same time, the other Instagram bot would also do the same thing to follow your page along with more and more pages you are following.

Being said that, this approach requires you to keep updating Instagram content. In the end, your Instagram content is the key element to attracting visitors and engaging with followers. Also, the content post also needs to add more related hashtags. It’s for the purpose to ensure other Instagram bots can discover your channels as well.

Full Python Script of Instagram Bot for Growing Followers

If you would like to have the full version of the Python Script of Instagram Bot Scraper for Growing Followers, please subscribe to our newsletter by adding the message Chapter 14. We would send you the script asap to your mailbox.

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I hope you enjoy reading Chapter 14 – Using Selenium for creating an Instagram Bot to Boost Visibility and Grow Followers. If you did, please support us by doing one of the things listed below, because it always helps out our channel.


Q1: What is Instagram Post Engagement Automation?

A: Instagram Post Engagement Automation is a feature that allows users to automate their engagement on Instagram posts. It helps increase engagement by automatically liking, commenting, and following relevant accounts.

Q2: How does Instagram Post Engagement Automation work?

A: Instagram Post Engagement Automation works by using advanced algorithms to identify relevant posts and accounts based on user-defined criteria. It then automatically engages with these posts by liking, commenting, and following, thereby increasing engagement.

Q3: What are the benefits of using Instagram Post Engagement Automation?

A: Using Instagram Post Engagement Automation can save users a significant amount of time and effort in manually engaging with posts. It can also help increase visibility, attract more followers, and boost overall engagement on the platform.

Q4: Is Instagram Post Engagement Automation safe to use?

A: Yes, Instagram Post Engagement Automation is safe to use as long as it is used responsibly and within the platform’s guidelines. It is important to avoid excessive automation and to ensure that engagement is genuine and relevant.

Q5: Can Instagram Post Engagement Automation be customized?

A: Yes, Instagram Post Engagement Automation can be customized to suit individual preferences and goals. Users can define specific criteria such as hashtags, location, or user profiles to target for engagement.

Q6: What are the recommended settings for Instagram Post Engagement Automation?

A: The recommended settings for Instagram Post Engagement Automation depend on the user’s specific goals and preferences. It is generally advised to start with conservative settings and gradually increase engagement levels to avoid any negative impact on the account.

Q7: Are there any limitations to Instagram Post Engagement Automation?

A: Yes, there are limitations to Instagram Post Engagement Automation. For example, the platform has certain restrictions on the number of actions that can be performed within a specific time period. It is important to be aware of these limitations and stay within the allowed limits to avoid any penalties.

Q8: Can Instagram Post Engagement Automation target specific demographics?

A: Yes, Instagram Post Engagement Automation can target specific demographics by using criteria such as location, interests, or user profiles. This allows users to engage with posts that are more likely to resonate with their target audience.

Q9: Does Instagram Post Engagement Automation work for all types of accounts?

A: Yes, Instagram Post Engagement Automation can work for all types of accounts, including personal, business, and influencer accounts. It is a versatile tool that can be used to increase engagement and visibility for any type of Instagram account.

Q10: Is Instagram Post Engagement Automation suitable for beginners?

A: Yes, Instagram Post Engagement Automation can be suitable for beginners as it simplifies the process of increasing engagement on the platform. However, it is important for beginners to familiarize themselves with the platform’s guidelines and best practices before using automation tools.

Instagram API Endpoint Recommendation

Instagram Trending Post Scraper API

Price: US$18

Instagram trending post scraper crawl the most trending and popular post from Users input a hashtag keyword and her/his account credntial to generate a list of specific posts. It returns the post URL, profile name, and post copy. API allows to fetch the Instagram profile data which includes profile followers, historical posts, post performance, etc

More API options from the Instagram collection. 


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