Chapter 37 – Brand Info Bot for Scraping Brand Web Domains with Python and Easy2Digital APIs

Brand Online Footprints & Info Scraper Using Easy2Digital APIs | 1 Mins | Sample in Google Sheets

An objective-oriented scraping project consists of many standalone Python bot scripts which can connect and function together. One of the most useful data used to scrape potential leads’ data must be the brand web domains. Basically we learn and know a brand from there. The question is how we are able to automatically grab in bulk instead of using Google search. This article tells how to make a bot with Python, Clearbit and Sqlite3

In this Chapter, I’ll walk you through how to create a bot leveraging Easy2Digital free API resources to bulky and scalably scrape the specific web URLs using names. Typically, I will use brand names. By the end of this Chapter, you can master using the API, write the codes and learn how to open DB files on your local device.

Table of Contents: Brand Info Bot

What’s Easy2Digital Brand Info API and Why It Matters

API aims to help find more information about brands in order to increase communication accuracy, and sales and reduce fraud data. Its big data capability facilitates B2B marketers and entrepreneurs to have more accurate data intelligence to communicate and make decisions.

Brand web URLs are one of the most important touch points we are able to learn about the product and identify business opportunities. From a Python scraper point of view, it’s also the first place to grab communication data, such as emails, social profiles, products, marketing, etc. It’s not like searching URLs using brand keywords in Google engine manually. Brand Info Bot can help you instantly scrape those specific brand web URLs and visualize them in one hub like the screenshot attached below

Easy2Digital API Endpoint and Accessible Data

Its Free API endpoint allows 600 requests per min. Thus, you can set up a timer in the script that every 600 requests stop for 60 seconds. Basically, you can scrape unlimited data using Python.

As you can see from the picture, there are three accessible pieces of data, which are the brand name, domain URL, and logo URL.

Nest Looping Codes for scraping the data

In the response from Easy2Digital API, there might be more than one item from the same brand name. So for avoiding missing any information from the same brand name, we need a nested loop to grab all data from the same name.

What’s sqlite3 and why it matters

SQLite3 is a software library that provides a relational database management system. The lite in SQLite means lightweight in terms of setup, database administration, and required resources. It has the following noticeable features: self-contained, serverless, zero-configuration, and transactional.

Thus, it’s perfect to use Sqlite3 for any applications, websites,s or IoT devices with low or medium volume of traffic. For example, you can build an automatic workflow of the Amazon product price monitoring bot on wayscripts with sqlite3. If it gets fewer than 100K hits/day. It can perfectly work fine with SQLite. It emphasizes economy, efficiency, reliability, independence, and simplicity

SQLite is an embedded database and it is not intended to be used as a client/server DB.

So it is not directly comparable to client-server SQL database engines such as MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, or SQL Server since SQLite is trying to solve a different problem.

Being said that, for the database learner, Sqlite3 is a light and easier data management system to start and use to build applications, such as bots, websites, etc. Although it’s not comparable to the client-side server, it’s convertible if your project needs it.

Also if you really want to, you can use SQLitening on the client-side server deployment. Thus, it’s not a standalone language only for on-disk, serverless, and local storage purposes.

Sqlite3 methods and codes to store scraped data

There are a few methods and tactics for storing the scraped Easy2Digital API data. 

First thing first, you need to import sqlite3. The good news is you don’t need to install sqlite3 separately. It’s because, since Python 2.5, it has already included sqlite3.

Second, you need to create a DB file and a variable using the cursor class. The cursor class is an instance using which you can invoke methods that execute SQLite statements, and fetch data from the result sets of the queries.

Then, the step is to create a table and name the column and nature. We need to use the execute method.

execute('''CREATE TABLE weblinks(query_name TEXT, brand_name TEXT, web_URL TEXT)''')

In the scraped data set, there is more than one piece of data supply. So we need a loop to insert the data into the sqlite3 DB file.

for i in range(len(df)):

cursor.execute('''INSERT INTO weblinks VALUES(?,?,?)''', df.iloc[i])

Last but not least, please remember to add commit() because it makes sure all of the scraped data can be stored in place. Otherwise, you will lose the data. Then, you can close the connection using close()

Once you store the data into a DB file, you can select Ridill to open the file and see if it’s well done.

Full Python Script of Brand Info Bot

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I hope you enjoy reading Chapter 37 – Brand Info Bot for Scraping Brand Web Domains with Python and Easy2Digital APIs. If you did, please support us by doing one of the things listed below, because it always helps out our channel.


Q1: What is Brand Information Scraper?

A: Brand Information Scraper is a powerful tool designed specifically for e-commerce businesses. It allows you to extract vital information about your competitors’ brands, such as their pricing, product descriptions, and customer reviews.

Q2: How can Brand Information Scraper benefit my e-commerce business?

A: Brand Information Scraper helps you stay ahead of your competitors by providing valuable insights into their strategies. With this tool, you can analyze their pricing, identify gaps in the market, and optimize your own product descriptions and pricing accordingly.

Q3: Is Brand Information Scraper easy to use?

A: Yes, Brand Information Scraper is designed with user-friendliness in mind. It offers a simple and intuitive interface, making it easy for even non-technical users to navigate and extract the desired information.

Q4: Can Brand Information Scraper extract data from multiple e-commerce platforms?

A: Yes, Brand Information Scraper is compatible with various e-commerce platforms, including Amazon, eBay, Shopify, and more. It allows you to scrape data from multiple sources, giving you a comprehensive view of the market.

Q5: Does Brand Information Scraper comply with website scraping policies?

A: Brand Information Scraper respects the scraping policies of each website it supports. It utilizes advanced algorithms to extract data without violating any rules or regulations.

Q6: Is Brand Information Scraper customizable?

A: Yes, Brand Information Scraper offers customization options to suit your specific needs. You can choose the data points you want to extract, set up filters, and adjust the scraping frequency to match your requirements.

Q7: Can Brand Information Scraper help me monitor competitors’ pricing?

A: Absolutely! Brand Information Scraper allows you to monitor your competitors’ pricing in real-time. You can set up price alerts and receive notifications whenever there is a change in your competitors’ pricing strategy.

Q8: What other insights can I gain from Brand Information Scraper?

A: Apart from pricing, Brand Information Scraper can provide you with valuable insights into your competitors’ product descriptions, customer reviews, and sales performance. This information can help you optimize your own listings and stay ahead of the competition.

Q9: Is Brand Information Scraper suitable for small businesses?

A: Yes, Brand Information Scraper is suitable for businesses of all sizes. Whether you are a small business looking to gain a competitive edge or a large enterprise aiming to streamline your market research, this tool can be highly beneficial for you.

Q10: How can I get started with Brand Information Scraper?

A: To get started with Brand Information Scraper, simply sign up for an account on our website. Once you have an account, you can choose a pricing plan that suits your needs and start extracting valuable brand information right away.

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