Chapter 44: Build an eBay Bot to Scrape Trending Deals, Products, and Brands

eBay has become one of the most popular online marketplaces for sellers to market and sell their goods today and is certainly an attractive and good option for an ecommerce venture. With this context and platform uniqueness, the trending deals reflect a vital hint of sales opportunities and help you to craft the cross border eCommerce strategies

In the chapter, I’ll walk you through how to scrape eBay trending deals and products by using the Python eBay bot. You can learn how to use Python and relevant modules to code the bot and use it for scaling up your product insight data scraping.

Table of Contents: eBay Bot to Scrape Trending Deals, Products and Brands

Why eBay trending deals matter

Since 1995, eBay has become one of the most popular online marketplaces for sellers to market and sell their goods today and is certainly an attractive and good option for an eCommerce venture. And if you are selling consumer electronic products, eBay is a must-entry platform. It’s because “Electronics & Accessories” is the top-selling product category on eBay with 16.4 percent of all items sold on eBay falling into this category.

Meanwhile, eBay is the third-most-popular mobile shopping app among shoppers in the US, behind eCommerce giant Amazon and Walmart’s mobile apps, which are used by 80 percent and 43.8 percent of US mobile users respectively. Most importantly, shoppers on eBay are looking for good deals and they normally can make a comparison among different brands.

With this context and platform uniqueness, the trending deals reflect a vital hint of sales opportunities and help you to craft the cross border eCommerce strategies

Scrape all category URLs

There are 6 primary top-trending product categories and each category has a subcategory as well. For scraping the trending deals, the first thing first is to get a full list of category URLs.

Scroll down using execute_script() and click the show-more button

In selenium, there is an approach to manipulating the page that includes scrolling down or up the page. There is a method called execute_script() which enables us to scroll a page. The command goes like this:


Basically, this method is to scroll down the page by the pixel value. Here we need to input two parameters in the scrollBy() method. 

0 is the starting pixel position or default pixel and 500 is the pixel position we want to scroll to. By changing these values, it is possible to scroll down from one place to another place. The second parameter of the execute_script() the method will remain empty. 

The reason we need to scroll down is eBay trending product page needs scrolling down to display all 100 pieces of products.

In the middle of the scrolling, we also need to click the show more button using this code.

clickButton = driver.find_element_by_xpath('//*[@id="refit-spf-container"]/div[2]/div/div[5]/div/div[1]/button').click()

Then, we can continue to scroll down to display all products in this category.

Product card codings

In the trending product SEPR, there are 5 data points we can scrape. They are the image, product URL, title, original pricing, and discounted offer. 

Fetch the brand page URL from the Product description page

Apart from the trending product, we might also like to see what else products from this brand are also selling. Also, if it’s a potential competitor, the brand store page is also a key element to create price monitors.

So we can grab the brand of this trending product by visiting the product description page and using this code

brandpage = soup.find('div', {'class': 'ux-seller-section__item--profileLogo'}).a['href']

Full Python script of eBay bot

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Q1: What is eBay Product Scraper?

A: eBay Product Scraper is a powerful tool designed to extract product data from eBay listings.

Q2: How does eBay Product Scraper work?

A: eBay Product Scraper utilizes advanced web scraping techniques to collect product data from eBay listings.

Q3: What information can I extract with eBay Product Scraper?

A: With eBay Product Scraper, you can extract various details such as product title, price, description, images, seller information, and more.

Q4: Is eBay Product Scraper easy to use?

A: Yes, eBay Product Scraper is designed to be user-friendly and intuitive, allowing even beginners to easily extract product data.

Q5: Can I extract data from multiple eBay listings at once?

A: Yes, eBay Product Scraper supports bulk extraction, allowing you to scrape data from multiple eBay listings simultaneously.

Q6: What formats can I export the scraped data in?

A: eBay Product Scraper allows you to export the extracted data in various formats, including CSV, Excel, and JSON.

Q7: Can I schedule regular data extraction with eBay Product Scraper?

A: Yes, eBay Product Scraper offers a scheduling feature that allows you to automate the data extraction process at specified intervals.

Q8: Is eBay Product Scraper legal to use?

A: eBay Product Scraper complies with all legal requirements and terms of service of eBay. However, it is advisable to use the tool responsibly and within the boundaries of applicable laws and regulations.

Q9: Does eBay Product Scraper require any coding knowledge?

A: No, eBay Product Scraper is a code-free tool that does not require any coding knowledge. It provides a user-friendly interface for easy data extraction.

Q10: Is there a trial version of eBay Product Scraper available?

A: Yes, eBay Product Scraper offers a free trial version that allows you to test its features and capabilities before making a purchase.

eBay API Endpoint Recommendation

eBay SERP Product Scraper API

Price: US$5

eBay Product scraper crawls the product information from API allows to filter by platform domain country, best selling, best review. Users can scrape the product information using a keyword query. The scraped dataset include product name, pricing, shipping fees, brand name, product page URL etc.

More API options from the eBay collection.