Chapter 49 – Twitter Post Automation Using Twitter and Easy2Digital API

There are three main components to automate the Twitter post-blast, which are the Python script, media library, and schedule module. In this Python Tutorial, I would walk you through how to code the Twitter post automation script that connects with the Google Sheets and add schedule modules.

Table of Contents: Twitter Post Automation Using Easy2Digital API and Python

Python modules: Easy2Digital API, gspread, schedule, Tweet API access token

Twitter App Authentication

Compared to my previous article regarding Twitter bot scraping influencers and grabbing sentiment data, Twitter posts need one more step to authenticate your app. This is the user authentication setting. For more details regarding Twitter developer accounts, please refer to this article.

There are three key steps we need to update in the authentication process. First thing first, we select the app permission in a read and write mode, instead of only read mode. This is essentially different from the Twitter bot.

Then, we need to input the redirect URL and website URl. You can refer to my inputs or set up a localhost URI based on the needs.

Manage to-be-posted content upfront on Google Sheet

In one Google sheet tab, we are able to prepare all elements a Tweet needs, such as post body, photos, landing URLs. And if you have other channels blasting the same piece of post, you also can centralize to manage there 

For more details regarding how to install and import gspread, please check out previous Python Tutorials. Basically, we need to import gspread, create a Google credential account in the Google APIs Console, and get access to the Google Sheet you manage content.

In terms of the scope of Google API, the automation needs google drive, and google sheet read and write.

Update_status & update_status_with_media

In the Tweepy post update, there are two methods we can use. One is the update_status which is posting a tweet where it includes text, and links. The other is, which is attaching a photo separately instead of using the detected images from the URL link. Below is a screencap from my Twitter posts. I personally prefer to use update_status, because users can click through the photo to the website.

Schedule Module

Python schedule module helps developers to automate executing the tasks as long as the device is in running status, like a laptop. So if you are a social marketer one day, you can use this module to help you blast the content automatically. The only cons of this approach are your device must be open. 

# After every 10mins easy2digital() is called. 


# After every hour easy2digital() is called.


# Every day at 12am or 00:00 time easy2digital() is called.


# After every 5 to 10mins in between run easy2digital()


# Every monday easy2digital() is called


# Every tuesday at 18:00 easy2digital() is called


# Loop so that the scheduling task

# keeps on running all the time.

while True:

    # Checks whether a scheduled task 

    # is pending to run or not



Full Python Script of Twitter Post Automation

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I hope you enjoy reading Chapter 49 – Twitter Post Automation Using Twitter and Easy2Digital API. If you did, please support us by doing one of the things listed below, because it always helps out our channel.


Q1: What is Twitter Post Automation?

A: Twitter Post Automation is a feature that allows users to schedule and automate their tweets on the Twitter platform.

Q2: Why should I use Twitter Post Automation?

A: Using Twitter Post Automation can save you time and effort by allowing you to schedule your tweets in advance. It ensures that your content gets posted at optimal times, even when you’re not available.

Q3: How do I schedule tweets using Twitter Post Automation?

A: To schedule tweets using Twitter Post Automation, you can use a social media management tool or the built-in scheduling feature available on Twitter’s platform. Simply select the date and time you want your tweet to be posted, write your message, and schedule it.

Q4: Can I schedule multiple tweets at once using Twitter Post Automation?

A: Yes, with Twitter Post Automation, you can schedule multiple tweets at once. This allows you to plan your content calendar in advance and maintain a consistent posting schedule.

Q5: Can I edit or delete scheduled tweets?

A: Yes, you can edit or delete scheduled tweets. Most social media management tools and Twitter’s platform itself provide options to make changes or cancel scheduled tweets if needed.

Q6: Does Twitter Post Automation work for all types of tweets?

A: Yes, Twitter Post Automation works for all types of tweets, including text, images, videos, and links. You can schedule and automate any content you want to share on Twitter.

Q7: Will my followers know if I’m using Twitter Post Automation?

A: No, your followers will not be able to tell if you’re using Twitter Post Automation. The scheduled tweets appear as regular tweets on their timeline.

Q8: Is Twitter Post Automation against Twitter’s terms of service?

A: No, Twitter Post Automation is not against Twitter’s terms of service. However, it is important to follow Twitter’s guidelines and best practices when using automation tools to avoid any potential issues.

Q9: Can I track the performance of my scheduled tweets?

A: Yes, you can track the performance of your scheduled tweets using analytics provided by social media management tools or Twitter’s own analytics dashboard. This allows you to measure engagement, reach, and other key metrics.

Q10: Is Twitter Post Automation available for free?

A: Twitter Post Automation is available for free on Twitter’s platform. However, there are also paid social media management tools that offer more advanced features and capabilities for scheduling and automating tweets.

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