IBM’s Incorporates Presto Query Engine for AI and Data Workloads

Why is IBM incorporating Presto into its platform? Learn about the open-source SQL query engine and how it’s being used by major companies at PrestoCon Day.

IBM’s Incorporates Presto Query Engine for AI and Data Workloads

Presto is an open-source SQL query engine that provides a simple ANSI SQL interface for data analytics in your open lakehouse. This project has received contributions from some of the biggest companies in the world, including Meta, Uber and Intel.

IBM recently announced watsonx, an enterprise-ready AI and data platform designed to enhance the impact of AI across businesses with three core capabilities. One of these capabilities is which is built on an open lakehouse architecture and optimized to scale all data, analytics and AI workloads. incorporates multiple open-source query engines such as Presto and Spark, which can optimize workload costs and performance at scale. The engine will continue to be optimized through IBM’s recent acquisition of Ahana, the only SaaS for Presto and a strong contributor to the Presto open-source community.

IBM has a significant history contributing to open-source capabilities by partnering with organizations like Linux, Apache, and Eclipse. Additionally, Intel is a founding member of the PrestoDB foundation and has collaborated with IBM to deliver rapid and reliable data processing to

PrestoCon Day is a virtual event that brings together users and developers from around the world who are interested in using Presto for their data analytics needs. The conference features marquee users sharing how they use Presto to power their data analytics and lakehouses.

Attendees of PrestoCon Day have the opportunity to learn about new features coming to Presto as well as common use cases and best practices. They will also hear from experts driving innovation with the power of open source and open governance such as Girish Baliga of Uber and Vikram Murali, VP of Hybrid Data Management at IBM.

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