Chapter 74 – Flask App Dynamic Sitemap XML Using MongoDB

What a freezing day is like if you build a sitemap and update time by time manually. Or paying for a recurring monthly subscription for just a second work one-off is not a smart decision as well. 

If you are looking for a better way like the feeling of eating better marbling beef meat, this piece is here for you. This article is going to talk about developing dynamic sitemap xml for your Flask App. Let’s go!

Table of Contents: Flask App Dynamic Sitemap XML Tutorial

Python Packages: urlparse, render_template, make_response

As usual, we need to skeletonize the fundamental functions. Here is the list of packages needed in developing tasted and incredible dynamic sitemap xml

In a moment, I would go through more details about what each package is for in this dish.

Parse the top domain of the App

First thing first, spotting the top level domain address is indispensable before ruling mapping the URLs. For better tasting the favor, here we need the urlparse. Below is a sample as follow:

   host_components = urlparse(request.host_url)

   host_base = host_components.scheme + "://" + host_components.netloc

Static URL List

Before generating each URL, we need to separate static and dynamic urls because some of the routes are set by variables.

We need to create a static URL list and rule what type of statics URLs would be added to the list. Here are the code sample as follows:

   static_urls = list()

   for rule in app.url_map.iter_rules():

       if not str(rule).startswith("/inactive"):

           if "GET" in rule.methods and len(rule.arguments) == 0:

               url = {

                   "loc": f"{host_base}{str(rule)}"



Cooking this dish needs the Flask in-built methods which are url_map, startswith

Dynamic URL List

For fetching the variable URL path, we could set up a set of data in Mongo in advance and call them in the function. Here is the code sample:

  dynamic_urls = list()

  dynamicURL variable = db.sample.find({})

Sitemap XML template

To capture the dynamic datafeed from server side, we need to use Jinja2 in frontend html template. Here is the code sample:

{% for url in static_urls %}


 <loc>{{ url["loc"] }}</loc>


{% endfor %}

{% for url in dynamic_urls %}


 <loc>{{ url["loc"] }}</loc>


{% endfor %}

Customize the response header

Last but not least, we need to customise the sitemap xml header that is different from other routes. For customising the header, we can use make_response

   response = make_response(xml_sitemap)

   response.headers["Content-Type"] = "application/xml"

Full Python Script of Dynamic Sitemap XML

Full Scripts & Commands of Flask App Deployment on AWS EC2

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Q1: What is Flask XML Sitemap?

A: Flask XML Sitemap is a plugin that generates dynamic XML sitemaps for your Flask-based website.

Q2: Why do I need a XML sitemap for my eCommerce website?

A: XML sitemaps help search engines like Google crawl and index your website more efficiently, improving your visibility in search engine results pages.

Q3: How does Flask XML Sitemap work?

A: Flask XML Sitemap automatically generates XML sitemaps based on your website’s routes and URLs, ensuring search engines can easily discover and navigate your website’s content.

Q4: Can Flask XML Sitemap handle large eCommerce websites with thousands of products?

A: Yes, Flask XML Sitemap is designed to handle large websites with thousands of products by efficiently generating sitemaps in batches to prevent performance issues.

Q5: Is Flask XML Sitemap compatible with other Flask extensions?

A: Yes, Flask XML Sitemap is built to seamlessly integrate with other Flask extensions, allowing you to enhance your website’s SEO capabilities without conflicts.

Q6: Does Flask XML Sitemap support multilingual websites?

A: Yes, Flask XML Sitemap supports multilingual websites by allowing you to generate separate XML sitemaps for each language, making it easier for search engines to understand and index your content.

Q7: Can I exclude specific pages or URLs from the XML sitemap?

A: Yes, Flask XML Sitemap provides options to exclude specific pages or URLs from the generated XML sitemap, giving you control over what content is included in search engine indexing.

Q8: Does Flask XML Sitemap automatically update the sitemap when new content is added?

A: Yes, Flask XML Sitemap can be configured to automatically update the XML sitemap whenever new content is added to your website, ensuring search engines always have the latest information about your website’s structure and content.

Q9: Is Flask XML Sitemap SEO-friendly?

A: Yes, Flask XML Sitemap follows best practices for SEO, including providing search engine crawl instructions, specifying priority and frequency of updates for different URLs, and supporting custom URL patterns.

Q10: How do I install Flask XML Sitemap?

A: To install Flask XML Sitemap, simply use pip to install the package and then configure it within your Flask application. Detailed installation and setup instructions can be found in the documentation.

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