Chapter 40 – Utilize Youtube Bots to Scrape Videos, Profiles, and Contacts Using Easy2Digital APIs and Youtube API

In this chapter, I’m going to show you how to build a Youtube bot and leverage it to finish a series of commercial tasks. You can apply these actions to complete lots of business tasks, such as demand generation, partnership recruitment, etc.

Table of Contents: Youtube Bot

Youtube API Key and URL Endpoint

Before starting coding, there are two ingredients we need. The 1st one is a key to connecting with the Youtube data center. We need to create an account in the Google API console and enable the youtube data v3 app. For more details, please check out this article I released earlier

Chapter 5 – Build a Youtube Bot to Scrape Trending Videos Using Youtube and Easy2Digital APIs

Once the key is in place, we would use the youtube API endpoint this time to scrape the data. It’s different from the method I used to scrape top videos in SEPR and the video performance data.

There are two URL endpoints this time. One is the search API endpoint, and the other is for channel data fetch. Each endpoint has many parameters for you to filter and extract the specific data you like to grab. I’ll introduce and explain how to use the parameters to complete our task in a moment.

Search Data:

Channel Data:

If you like to explore the other method I use to scrape the polarity videos in SERP using Google APIs and outh client modules in python, please check out this article

Chapter 6: Leverage Easy2Digital APIs and Youtube Key to Scrape View, Comment, and Like Data of More than 50 Videos From Top Ranking Ones

Scrape the polarity video content and channel URL using keywords

There are 6 parameters you will use in the URL endpoint to scrape the popular video content and get the creator channel page URL.

  1. Api parameter – Insert the Youtube API key you generate from the Google APIs console credential
  2. maxResult – Each SERP has max.50 results to scrape. Normally you would input 50
  3. nextPageToken – The next page value from the Youtube JSON
  4. Query – the keyword
  5. Order – you can filter the SERP result by viewCount or video count. From my point of view, I will use the viewCount because it shows you the polarity and it’s easier to consolidate popular channel profiles
  6. regionCode – It allows you to generate video content from a specific country, such as Singapore, Japan, etc

When the parameters’ values are ready, below is a sample using requests

You might find that it just comes up with response 200 if you just print out the url2 variable above. It’s because you need to format the data from youtube data in a JSON format.

Easy2Digital API – Youtube Video Content Scraper

If you find the script might be complicated and also requires you to update scripts and fix bugs on and off, you can leverage Easy2Digital Youtube Bot API. Here is the token endpoint as follows:

By using this API endpoint, you just need to add the Easy2Digital token, the target shop domain brand name, and the type of top-level domain or subdomain (www, us, HK, etc) you aim to scrape. The scraped result is the same as the one shown above.

For more details regarding Marketing APIs, please check out this page.

Grab the next page token Value and Leverage Nested Loop for more than 50 SERPs

It might miss out on some valuable content and channels if just referring to the top 50 SERPs. So we need to leverage the next page token parameter mentioned above. For the value of the next page token, Youtube API would include a dynamic value in each response. So first thing first, we need to grab the value from each SERP JSON data like the script below

I would recommend using 2 or 3 SERPs from each keyword because the quality of channel profiles is getting lower after the 4th SERP.

Once the next page token value is in place, we could create a nested loop, which would loop the page token first and then loop scraping the search snippet value, such as channel ID

Fetch specific channel data at Scale

Scraping the top and most polarity content is the first step where you can grab the great content as inspiration. However, if you like to network with more top-tier YouTubers and content creators for commercial purposes, specific channel data is the next step.

The Youtube channel URL structure is like this below. + Channel ID (UCF2oW5-MO8dB6ul9WH9xi0A


In the SERP scraping section, you can grab a list of channel IDs from each top-ranking video. So you can set up a timer to wait a while and automatically visit this channel one after one by combining the youtube channel folder and the channel ID.

For the channel API URL endpoint, there are also different parameters you can check and leverage based on your needs.

For finding the qualified profiles, usually I would use these parameters

Once the choices are ready, below is the sample of the URL with optimal parameters

url1234 = requests.get('' + api + '&part=statistics' + '&id=' + chID).json()

Grab the contact points and automate the messaging

Now you have a list of qualified channel profiles you find opportunities to collaborate. So the next step is to scrape the contact points and automate the messaging.

Except for the description part, generally, Youtubers add their contact in the channel about page. The URL structure of the about page adds the slash tag “about” after the channel ID page.

As you can see, there is one section called for business inquiries. Youtube sets up a very strict human verification for constraining the bot scraping action. Normally I would use Python to detect if the YouTuber leaves an email on the about page by using this code. Then I can manually get them once I find this channel is worthy of investing time.

The turnaround solution is the Youtuber’s social channels and website. We can integrate the scraped social channel address and website URL with the specific social bots I shared previously. So we can contact them via social messenger, like Instagram messages, TikTok, and through email, such as Gmass.

For more details, please check out this list of articles to build up an RPA

Social Bots

Email Automation

Full Python script of Youtube Bot

If you would like to have a free Easy2Digital API token and the full version of the Youtube Bot for scraping content, profiles, and contacts, please subscribe to our newsletter by adding the message “Chapter 40. We would send you the script immediately to your mailbox.

I hope you enjoy reading Chapter 40 – Utilize Youtube Bots to Scrape Videos, Profiles, and Contacts Using Easy2Digital APIs. If you did, please support us by doing one of the things listed below, because it always helps out our channel.

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