
Private Equity Investment: eCommerce Business Valuation Using NPV and IRR

China’s general trade business and companies might be in a way impacted by the cancellation of GSP treatment, or called the Generalized System of Preference treatment. Although it also depends on what product category of export business, tariff percentage implies the enforcement of reduced profitability or increasing the prices. Pros and cons always come together. The momentum of growth on D2C cross-border eCommerce, on the other hand, is rising. The question is how to evaluate the cross-border eCommerce business potential if you spot this is indeed an investment and monetization opportunity.

Xiaohongshu or Redbook eCommerce Seller and Marketing 101 Guideline in 2024

Xiaohongshu, or also known as Little RedBook, is the Chinese equivalent of Search plus Instagram. Recently Xiaohongshu decided to sunset the Taobao and Youzan outbound link setting. This was the feature for sellers to direct traffic to their Taobao and eCommerce website. With over 300 million users on Xiaohongshu, it is one of the fastest-growing advanced social commerce apps on the market. It is a must-have platform if you are running an eCommerce business for selling products to domestic and cross-border Chinese consumers.

eCommerce SEO Guide 2024 – Keyword Research, Keyword Grouping, and Keyword Mapping

Keywords are one of the most important backbones of any eCommerce SEO strategy. In a way, without any keywords on hand, eCommerce SEM can start relying on product-driven ads and adding on negative keywords to exclude low relevance keywords wasting dollars, however eCommerce SEO content and partnership strategy has no choice, which must need a comprehensive keyword list before start.

Google Shopping – 0% Commission Fee for Buy on Google Merchants, Lunch for Free!

With Covid-19 pandemic, and more Amazon fees and policy limitations that SMEs are confronting, Google is leveraging this opportunity to appeal sellers listing more products to sell on Google Shopping. So sellers can’t miss this opportunity to eat Google lunch for free and grow sales on Google Shopping.Google is the world’s dominant search engine, but almost half of Americans start looking for things to buy on Amazon, while only 22% start on Google, according to a survey last year from research firm CivicScience.

Selling Well But Be Losing Money? 7 Variable Costs Are Impacting Your Online Store Profit Margin

Most of the online sellers ignore what variable costs would take place per transaction, and underestimate the impact of variable cost change in the profit margin, particularly as the variable cost increases with the sales going up.

So for the purpose to avoid selling more but be losing more. I’m going to talk about 7 types of online store selling variable cost that can impact the profit margin per transaction.

Rakuten Ichiba vs Amazon Japan, Which Is Better for Non-Japan Citizen Sellers?

Japan’s business-to-consumer e-commerce market is worth $150.1 billion having increased at a single-digit rate since 2015. The e-commerce market is expected to follow a similar growth trajectory to 2021, expanding at a compound annual growth rate of 6.2 percent. As the third-largest online retail and eCommerce market worldwide that is behind China and the US, particularly when RCEP has launched and Japan is one of the members there, many sellers expect more possibilities from Japan and look for business opportunities to grow the business. 

Amazon and Rakuten Japan must be two primary channels on the spotlight that sellers are discussing, in particular, which one is better to start. So in this article, I would talk about my review between Rakuten and Amazon Japan from several points of view, such as market share, fee structure, etc. By the end of this piece, you can learn the difference between two platforms and select one to start selling in Japan, which is better as a new seller there.

SaaS SEO – 3 Ways to Scale up that Are Commercially Different With eCommerce SEO

SEO is not a strange term for most entrepreneurs and online marketers. Basically, it is a high ROI approach to capture customer search demand that can be converted into traffic and sales from different types of search engines. Normally you would find out that SEO can take up at least 20% or 30% of contribution margin in a financial table, or even more percentages along with your business being developed.

Having said that SEO strategies can differ hugely depending on the business model and products you are selling. For example, being different from eCommerce SEO, SaaS SEO instinctively can not leverage thousands of product pages, which can be playing a role into part of content strategy, because usually SaaS is selling one product or software, and running a subscription model to monetize the service and related asset.

So in this article, I would share some points of view on how to scale up SaaS SEO that is born without thousands of product page advantages. By the end, you can learn the common and difference between eCommerce SEO and SaaS SEO, and master some methodologies to apply to your SaaS business.

Why Retail Media Becomes So Important and How to Start?

Covid-19 post-pandemic significantly accelerated the growth of eCommerce in the US this year, with online sales reaching a level not previously expected until 2024. In our Q3 US, US eCommerce sales jump 37% YoY in Q3 2020. In this article, I’ll talk about why retail media is becoming so important. By the end of the article, you can learn how to restrategize your e-commerce marketing, and deploy the next point of growth.

Lazada Marketing & Lazada Seller Promotion 101: 10 Things To Do & 1 Thing Not To Do

Opening a store on Lazada to drive sales is a great option for companies that look to expand into Southeast Asian markets. 

One of the benefits of selling cross-border on Lazada is that you instantly reach six countries (Singapore, Philippines, Indonesia, Vietnam, Malaysia, Thailand), with a total population in the hundreds of millions. The benefit can be either of your water testing approaches to see the sale performance from your product category, or you can strategically enter the markets and reach target customers with no upfront fees and lower transaction fees.

Except for your product and supply chain strategy, Lazada seller promotion and marketing strategy is essential to reach customers and drive sales. Thus, based on my client-serving and business experiences, I’ll share with you 1 thing not to do and 7 things to do in Lazada seller promotion. 

Crowdfunding Kickstarter vs Indiegogo – Key Secrets of GTM Product Marketing to Succeed

Funding is a fundamental skill and mindset for business owners and marketers, and basically it is indispensable for a business in any stage or any marketing strategies, particularly for startups and GTM (go-to-market). In the old school generation, borrowing money from banks or loan corporations might be the only popular options.

However, banks and loans are a sort of debt which at the end is not the best option for the business risk management. Nowadays, financing and fundraising, such as seed funding, private investment, angel investment, etc must be the more advanced and scientific formats to raise the fund and reduce the risk, to launch a new business and product. Crowdfunding must be one of those. In this area, Kickstarter and Indiegogo should be two primary options for a business.

Meta Ads API – Break Through Platform Ceiling and Implement Practical Dynamic Content and Targeting Ads Strategies

Thoughtful campaign plan, campaign deployment and granular optimisation are not easy jobs, particularly if your team relies more on manual work. In a way, it’s not possible to react in real time based on the market changes, or competitor update. Basically targeting and content optimization ceiling exist only using features given on the platform. Brands and marketers can work with some 3rd party SaaS to automate the optimization process.

However it’s not the only way and it has a way that can give you more space to customize and lower the cost. It’s using Meta Ads API integrated with your Python script.

eCommerce One to One Marketing Strategies for 6 Customer Segmentation

Paying ads dollars to acquire a prospect and convert into a single purchase is not the end of the customer lifetime value, because profit is not generated from a single purchase, but purchases made over a lifespan with your brand.

By the end of this article, you can learn some tips of turning subscribers and abandon-cart prospects into actual customers, which decreases the overall CAC at the end, meanwhile increasing CLV by leveraging loyalty programs, cross-selling, up-selling.

Shopify Conversion Rate – Increase by Optimising Product Pages Elements

Probably the product page of a Shopify store is the most important element to affect the conversion rate. If they are not ready, or even don’t work properly, you might be wasting advertising dollars and marketing effort, because anyone comes to your store and bounces out at the end due to a low-performance product page. You can’t put water in broken glass — it will never fill up. The same principle applies to traffic on your site; if your product pages are broken you will never get sales. 

I am not going to talk about how to find, design, and develop the best product, although indeed a good product is a king, and developing a product hugely needed by target customers is the easier way out. I’ll release the other article regarding how to research, design, and source of the product. 

In this article, I’d like to share my learnings on how to convert as many customers as possible from traffic, when your competitors are increasing like your business is shifting from a blue sea to a red sea, which is a very common business cycle. Even you have a golden hot selling product at the moment, my experience tells me at the end you need to find a way out to convert customers rather than only relying on products.

ChannelAdvisor – How to Centralise Managing Order Fulfillment, Inventory & Product Data for Multichannels

It might be okay if you manually list and change the product data, which includes the product, inventory, and shipment information on a single channel when you just started selling a few items online. However, your enjoyable days must go away along with your transaction volume going up on multiple online channels because if you are still handling by manual, you will get frustrated in the massive error of inconsistent product information across channels, heavily time-consuming to handle inventory in stock, or out of stock, and logistic for customer order delivery, order refund.

Also, manually managing those data connections is both cumbersome to maintain and dangerously prone to error, because requirements vary from each ad network or a retail marketplace, a web store destination. Once the data feed gets an error or very slow to respond, refresh and update on the destination, you could miss out on a huge chunk of sales and revenue. 

Thus, if you want your products to stand out on Amazon, Lazada, Rakuten, Google Shopping, Facebook, ShareASale affiliate network, and others, you’re going to need high quality customized product listing data, inventory data, and order fulfillment data feeds in an automatic format across channels. Today’s most successful sellers maintain a well-oiled machine of feed syndication and data harmonization — with strong pipes and paths that always send the correct data to each and every destination. 

CBD Japan eCommerce – How To Ship and Sell CBD Oil Products to Japan

Industrial stakeholders estimate Japan’s cannabidiol or CBD market with over US$4 million for topical CBD products. Also, they predict over US$2.7 million for CBD cosmetics this year. And in the topicals’ segmentation, experts forecast it to expand over US$100 million dollars by 2025. However, Japan’s Ministry of Health this week said the government will lift the country’s commercial limitation on cannabis-based medicines. So CBD Japan stakeholders say they fear that regulators may stop CBD shipping and selling, and it does not allow sales of CBD food and cosmetics products.

Shopify eCommerce SEO – 5 Unique Site Technical Optimization Tasks

Clients who use Shopify CMS have been rising significantly in the past 3 years, and what’s more, we are seeing the momentum is going up. In Shopify’s contribution margin table, paid, automation, display, and so on paid advertising’s contribution is a big role, however, return on investment might be a challenge and sellers are always discussing how to optimize better. On the other hand, Shopify eCommerce SEO is a key player in contributing to sales with a high proportion and ROI, however, Shopify SEO technical work is getting a little bit tricky.

In this article, I will share 5 things we must start to do in terms of eCommerce SEO technical, which experiences are summarised by serving clients and operating in-house business teams. By the end of this piece, you are able to understand the reasons, learn the techniques, and find useful tools to use in the process.

3 Things in the Digital World Can Facilitate your Business to Execute the Right Pricing Strategy

In this article, I’m going to talk about 3 things of digital world can facilitate better pricing strategy implementation. So from your coming digital marketing campaign, it can help you deploy in a different way.

Pricing strategy is a business use variety pricing combination to sell more products and services, for the purpose to maximise the profitability. That’s it. And the pricing combination is setting up and working by using this algorithm.

5 Tips to Measure Influencer Marketing Result

Have you ever come across this scenario? When you finish a social campaign project with some influencers, they released Facebook posts, Instagram Stories and Youtube videos. As a result, they reported you the campaign drives 500K view, 50K like and 500 comments. For them, it seems like a very exciting news and successful result. If you had worked with an agency, they might even say it was pretty good, but the brand needs to keep investing to drive awareness. However, such abstract result is not enough for you to report the success on business or even digital marketing perspective. 

CBD Advertising – Best Practices to Run Ingestible CBD and Topical CBD Ads

You must have concerns regarding whether you can advertise CBD products in digital channels. For example, can you advertise CBD on Facebook or not? I can tell you the answer is yes. But it is possible to advertise CBD with the right approach. CBD entrepreneurs and marketers need to find a way to promote their CBD product in a way that doesn’t interfere with each channel’s ad policy.

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